World Challenge Club Lessons
Winners of the World Challenge Club are presented with a selection of prizes. MicroMaker Education and ScienceScope have teamed up with the challenge to offer a STEM hardware and resources package to enable you to continue your home learning journey.
Below, you can view the selection of online lesson resources for the World Challenge Club prizes.
ScienceScope Micro:bit Starter Set Lessons
Name Badge
Start your digital learning with the micro:bit and create a fun and interactive name badge.
Roll a Dice
Take another step along your digital education journey and explore more that the micro:bit has to offer. Build a dice with micro:bit and take advantage of the on-board functionality of the micro:bit.
Night Light
Explore real world applications with the micro:bit and your code. Create a responsive night light and build your coding knowledge by using IF statements.
How to use a Moisture Sensor
Learn how to program the micro:bit as a soil moisture using external cables, crocodile clips and accessories. Understand the process of turning sensor raw data into meaningful data to help make better informed decisions.
Let’s Make Sound
Look into using the micro:bit to make sound. Connect everyday headphones or speakers to the micro:bit through the sound cable and learn how the micro:bit can be programmed in MakeCode to produce sound.
Balance Game
Build on knowledge from previous lessons and design a game that incorporates sensor input and sound output.
How to Program a Joystick?
Learn directions of movement of the joystick and how to program the different axis.
Moisture Alert
Design, build and program an alert system for monitoring the moisture level of a plant. Build on knowledge gained in previous lessons to help in a real world scenario.
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ScienceScope Limited
Downside School