Skill Exchange Makerspace

Programme Overview
The Mining Qualifications Authority has funded Skill Exchange Makerspace 780 347 Pounds (R16,000,000.00) for the Digital Maker Train-the-trainer Skills Programme that uses work-integrated learning in adopting a more practical work approach to learning. This intervention will be delivered online and face-to-face from various venues across Gauteng. The details of the intervention are as follows:
- 100 trainers (accredited training)
- 900 trainees (non-accredited Mini-IoT project work)
This is a SEM implementation under the MQA- Mine Community Development Programme supported by ScienceScope, Dubai Expo2020 Live, Bantsho and Mine Development Agency. The programme is designed to help ex-mine workers re-enter the workforce in 21st-century job roles. This programme is a 6-month accredited training to 100 trainers who will train 900 trainees through 100 Mini-IoT projects that will solve mining communities and mining industry problems using TAPS online and MicroMaker Education Kits.
The trainers will go onto open cyber internet and online training centres in their homes/garages to provide online services, sell MicroMaker Educational Kits and facilitate MicroMaker Education Lessons to their respective communities, while the trainees go on to further build their IoT minimum viable products to be used in mining communities and mining industries.
Programme Objectives
The accredited training will cover three sub-topics, Computer Technicalities (installing, maintaining and troubleshooting hardware and software), Basic Programming, and Managing IoT projects.
Our underlying objectives are:
- To support and lead IoT product development projects to enable self-employment and re-employment.
- To develop computer & IoT device skills training for target beneficiaries.
- To engage local ex-mine workers, retrenched workers or workers at-risk from being retrenched by companies in the Mining and Minerals Sector in innovation activities.
- To deploy IoT education learning material and development tools(kits/devices).
- To help local ex-mine workers, retrenched workers or workers at-risk from being retrenched by companies in the Mining and Minerals Sector to carry out IoT projects.

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