Control Lessons
In these lessons, students will learn how to use the micro:bit to program external sensors and components. These lesson activities are to be used in conjunction with the Foundation Control Kit and Innovation Kit.
There are 2 sets of lesson activities to be worked through to gain an understanding of how the micro:bit can control external devices. The first set overviews how to program the micro:bit to control the sensors and components included in the Foundation Control Kit.
The second set of lessons expands on the knowledge gained from the first set and combines different components and sensors using the micro:bit to control them.
Section 1: Control Kit Booklet
Section 2: How to Program External Components and Sensors
Section 3: Combining External Components and Sensors
Buzzer Balance
Design a game that tests hand-to-eye coordination and balance using both on-board and external sensors and components.
Night Light
Create an automatic night light by combing the micro:bits on-board light sensor and the control kit’s bi colour LED.
Soil Moisture Gauge
Develop your design and problem solving skills by using a moisture sensor and servo to create a soil moisture level gauge.
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Downside School