The Benefits of Collaborating with Downside School

2019-10-23 Off By Admin
The Benefits of Collaborating with Downside School

Keeping in touch with schools and hearing teacher’s views is an integral part for most businesses working in the education sector. We are no different. We’ve been in a privileged position over the last 18 months to be able to partner with Downside School in the UK. A key aspect to our partnership has been to locate our offices on the main school site with the aim to embed our business into school life.

The partnership works both ways. As a business, we have the unique opportunity to engage with teachers and students on a daily basis. Teachers and support staff offer their opinions on new ideas and products in development whilst also allowing us the opportunity to trial new resources in an active classroom environment. For the school, they have the opportunity to experience forward thinking educational resources and also be a lead school in educational projects that we conduct around the world.

For most schools globally, there is a big challenge to meet the demand of preparing students for the future workplace. A workplace driven by fast moving technology, big data and AI. By collaborating with Downside School, together we have integrated projects that develop students’ understanding and use of technology across multiple subject areas.